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Small investors are helping to improve communities [neighborhoods]


Small investors are helping to improve communities [neighborhoods]

[Sometimes investors can get a hard break, right? They can be seen as speculators feasting off the community and ushering in gentrification. But we can’t take a cold right and wrong look at the people participating in the community.] Investors can make a world of a difference, not only in an individual’s life, but for an entire neighborhood. In March of 2018, a man named JD bought a house (just as his twitter name, @jdbuyshouses implies!) and spruced it up. Although the house wasn’t in bad shape, JD [main man] took it to the next level with renovations, transforming it into a beautiful property that’s complete with a sleek design: marble countertops, chrome accents, and a modern, monochrome color scheme throughout. JD then rented this house to Tanya Jackson, a single black mother [mom], in March of 2019. He soon worked with Jackson to create a plan for her to buy the house. “I was gonna keep the [house] as a rental,” JD tweeted, “but decided against it.” Instead of continuing to rent to Jackson, JD chose to help her raise her credit score, find a mortgage broker, buy the house, and change her life. [Blessed] “My goal is to get you in positing to get a mortgage, that’ll be cheaper than what you pay in rent,” a screenshot JD posted on twitter shows him texting Jackson. That’s exactly what he did. JD helped Jackson raise her credit from 500 to 700 by mid-June in order to help her get approved for a mortgage. Now, she pays a mortgage lower than she was paying for rent. Investors like JD are great for communities because they give opportunities to disadvantaged who may not otherwise have been able to own a home. Jackson closed on the house on September 15, 2020: “We closed today. She’s a home owner. That’s a DEED in her hand. She was paying me $1500 a month in rent. She now will pay $1.1K on OWNING the house. All in 1.5 years. Never charged a rent to own fee, or anything to fix her credit,” JD tweeted. JD left everyone with an inspiring message: “I kept my word. She kept hers. She was a great tenant. Now she’s gonna be an even better home owner… This is how we help each other. We all won here.” Now that JD has helped Jackson, he plans to watch her thrive even more in the future. “Next step,” he tweeted, “Is getting her to invest in some property.”